A Critical Look at Religion

Bishop Bandoli
Debunking religion and a resource for critical information

Archaeology and the Bible.

What can the last decades of archaeological and linguistic research tell us of the historical value of the Bible? Does it have any?

The Moderate Threat

Religion is not an unambiguous notion. In meeting religious fanatism, we are often told that these fanatics do not represent the “true” religion. But what is “true” religion in reality?

Are there any Historical Sources on Jesus?

Are there any non-Christian historical records that can tell us anything of the "historical" Jesus?

Was Jesus Unique?

Most of the aspects of the Jesus-figure can also be found in the stories of older gods and god-men. What are the sources for the virgin birth, the wonders, the disciples, the teachings, and the death and resurrection motifs?

The Background of the Old Testament.

What is the background of the Old Testament, who wrote it, when and why?

Proof for God's existence?

To prove the existence of mythological beings is a fairly hopeless undertaking. This, however, hasn’t discouraged believers to have a go at it up through the centuries.

Christianity and Knowlegde.

Christianity and the Church's view and understanding of knowledge and education through history.

Christianity and Sex.

Why do Christianity has such a huge problem with women and sex? What is really Christianity's view on women and sexuality, and what is the point of celibacy and chastity? And a little about the pious madness this has led to.

Christianity and War.

The history of Christianity is in its most pronounced traits, a history of war, - one single long war against both outer and inner enemies. Wars fought on behalf of, or under direct command, of the Church, civil wars, offensive wars and wars fought against different thinking people.

Was Hitler an Atheist?

Again and again the faithful claims that Adolf Hitler was an atheist. This is debunked time and time again, but this claim still frequently pops up in debates with Christians. Let us look at the facts.

The Crucifixion.

The Gospel’s stories of the crucifixion of Christ are strange and raise more questions than answers.

Forgeries in the Bible.

Is the Bible really what it is presenting itself to be? It is obviously written by men and not by the hand of God. Is it authentic, or is it the result of centuries of rewriting, editing and forgeries?

The Jesusmyth

How did the Jesus stories emerge?

The Resurrection Myth.

What does the Gospels tell us about the Resurrection of Jesus. Does the stories make sense at all?

The Ten Commandments..

The Ten Commandments are not original, especially Christian or very useful for any society past or present.

Ethics of the Bible?

A lot of people think that our western ethics and moral values are based on Christianity and the Bible. And without this glorious and holy heritage we would all be immoral and unethical perverts. This is of course utter nonsense.

The Ethics of Jesus.

We would think that the teachings of a "God" or "son of God" should at least be coherent, consistent and have flawless moral. Well, the teachings of Jesus are none of these things.

Religion - The Scourge of the World

Today, after having developed sciences, controlled electricity, atomic energy, eradicated diseases, landed on the moon and even charted the building stones of life itself (DNA) – the world still stands up to its armpits in religious muck. Why?

The Sumarian Legacy.

The writers of the Bible “borrowed” blatantly from older myths, stories and motifs, not at least from the rich Sumerian culture.

Thomas of Aquino and the Holy Relics.

The bizarre story of the Relic mania in the Middel Ages.

Moses - Fact or Fiction?

What do we know of the Bible’s great leader – Moses? Historical figure, or just another biblical myth?

Religion of Love?

Is the core doctrine in Christianity really a "message of love" as the theologians tell us?

Luther and Protestantism.

A quick run through of the story of the Reformation, and the reformer and rabid antisemite, Martin Luther.

Luther and The Jews.

The great church reformer Martin Luther, was also an active and rabid antisemite.

Christianity's Intolerance.

The religious intolerance is specific for monotheism! What is the realities behind the persecutions of Christians and the Christian martyr stories?

Judgement and Damnation.

All who do not truly believe in some particular bronze age fairytales - "the gospel of love",- shall suffer the ultimate fiery pain for all eternity.

God's New Image.

Today, Christianity has become a believe-whatever-you-want religion. It is no longer polite for liberal Christians to believe in the Jehovah of the Old Testament.

Fair and Square?

How do you argue with people who sincerely believe in heavenly spirits, in angels, abracadabra and bodily ascension?

The Gifts of Religion.

What is really religions main contributions to the world and to humanity?

The Evil Free Will.

When confronted with the problem of Evil the believers usually argue that God created man with a free will and that’s why there still is suffering and evil in the world.

Where is the Christ in Christmas?

Why is Santa Claus the most original "Christian" part of Christmas?

Atheist Quotes

A good and useful selection of Atheist Quotes